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Twinkling Christmas Tree Kit

Twinkling Musical Christmas Tree Kit

by Galak Electronics
Part No. VG-211
Shipping Weight: 0.8 ounces (21 grams)

A new twist on an old classic LED flasher kit, the Twinkling Christmas Tree uses microcontroller technology to create a spectacular light and sound show. Press the button to activate the preprogrammed song and watch the lights follow the music. After the song, the light show will continue for about 2 minutes and automatically shut off to conserve battery power. The perfect gift for electronics students and techies alike.

The unassembled kit includes instructions (including schematic and parts placement) and all the components to build one complete Twinkling Musical Christmas Tree. A soldering iron, solder and a pair of cutters are required for assembly.

Twinkling Musical Christmas Tree Kit:



Twinkling Musical Christmas Tree
(Built and Tested):




  • 3mm and 5mm super bright LEDs encompass a tasteful and unique design.
  • Three different preprogrammed patterns and fourth pattern that follows the music.
  • Operate from two CR2032 button cell batteries and consumes just 15mA.
  • High Intensity LEDs create a truly stunning effect (multiple colors in each kit).
  • Power saving mode shuts unit down after 2 minutes conserving battery life.
  • Kit comes complete with two (2) CR3032 button cell batteries.


  • Supply Voltage: 6VDC @ 15mA (Includes (2) CR2032 batteries)
  • Sequential Patterns: Starburst, orbital and propeller rotation
  • Pattern Selection: Single pushbutton to power up sequence
  • Board Dimensions: 2.0" (5.0mm) x 3.5" (6.6 cm ) approximate.
  • Board Material: 0.062" (1.6 mm) FR-4, with green solder mask and top and bottom layer silk screen
  • Finished Weight: 0.8 ounces (21 grams)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any question about this project or any othe Galak Electronics Projects.

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